
How to calculate number of rebars in one bundle of 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 16mm, 20mm, 25mm, 32 mm rods in Nepal?

While working in the construction sites in Nepal, generally contractors, labors, bar benders  working in the site estimate the quantity of rebars required in the beams or columns or other structural members in terms of bundles. So, quantity of rebars in bundles is very common term used in Nepal. But, as per civil engineering standards, quantity of rebars are calculated in kilograms. So, sometimes, it might become very hard for Site Engineers, and house owners to convert bundles into kilograms for rebars. So, to solve this problem, here you can know the exact numbers of rods in one bundle  of different diameters i.e. for 8mm, 10 mm, 12mm, 16mm, 20mm , 25mm, 32mm. And, after knowing number of bars in one bundle of rebars of different diameters, you can easily calculate the quantity of rebars in kilograms.

In context of Nepal, the length of one rod in a bundle is 12m or 40feet (but practically the length of bars are not exactly 40ft., they are slightly lesser than 40ft. i.e. 39ft-39.50ft.). 
So, you can find a table below where number of bars in one bundle for different diameters are listed below. 

However, in practical, you cannot exactly calculate weight of rebars by using the formula d^2/162 as density of steel rebars is not 7850kg/m^3 and the companies also not provide single rebar of length exactly 12m or 40 ft.. In Nepal, the weight per bundle of same diameter of rebars slightly differs from one company to another and also from what we exactly obtain from the calculation  by using the formula and constants in the formula d^2/162 X length of bars in meters or d^2/533.33X length of bars in feet . But, the results obtained are very near to the practical values, so one can use it to calculate the approximate quantity of steel rebars. 

For Example,
As per theory, 
=Quantity of rebar of dia. 10mm in one bundle can be calculated as:-
=[(D)^2/533.33]*Nos. of bars per bundle* length of each bar
= [(10)^2/533.33]*15*40ft. (Note: use the formula d^2/533.33 while taking length of bars in feet)
= 112.50 Kgs. 
But, while checking the tags in field in one of the company of steel rebars, there was mentioned 112.20 Kgs in one bundle of 10mm dia. rebars. So, you can see that, there is negligible differences in weight in practical and in our calculation. The above list of weight of rods per bundle for different diameters of bars in  'kgs per bundle'  is actual practical weight of steel rebars as per tags in one of steel rebars company. 

You can also increase your practical civil engineering related knowledge in context of Nepal by reading the various post mentioned below.

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